Fish are Friends Not Food鱼和朋友

出版时间:1970-1  出版社:省供片站  作者:Annie Auerbach  页数:29  


Dory asked Bruce to join the class. “I would love to help you, mates!” he said. “I know a swell spot. It's better than Kelp Canyon. How would you like to explore a sunken pirate ship?” “Yeah!” exclaimed most of the fish.
“What about you, mate?”Bruce asked Ward. “Doesn’t that sound exciting?” “We don’t need you. I know lots of good spots,” Ward replied jealously. “And I’m not your mate!” Before Bruce could answer, Nemo swam up between them and said, “Don’t mind Ward. He’s just a big know-it-all.” Of course, this made Ward really angry. “I’ll show this shark who should be co-leader!”
Bruce led Dory and the young fish to the old sunken pirate ship. “Here we are, mates!” Bruce said proudly. “Here’s where I used to hang out when I was a mere nine-footer.” “Cool!” said Tad. Nemo thought it looked a litter scary and dangerous----but also very exciting. “I can’t wait to go exploring!” he said.
Inside the shipwreck, the group got separated. When he realized that Bruce and Ward had both disappointed, Nemo sensed trouble. Sure enough, he found them on the deck of the ship. Nemo wondered what Ward was up to. He watched closely.



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   很好的绘本,特价买的,超值。孩子也喜欢。
  •   书籍很精美,可是太薄了,不过质量很好哦

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