Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions 情感理论梗概

出版时间:2001-12  出版社:ROUTLEDGE  作者:J. Sartre  页数:64  


One of Sartre's most important pieces of writing, Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions not only anticipates but argues many of the ideas to be found in his famous Being and Nothingness.


Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-80). The foremost French thinker and writer of the early post-war years. His books have exerted enormous influence in philosophy, literature, art and politics.


PREFACE BY MARY WARNOCKIntroduction: Psychology, phenomenology and phenomonological psychologySketch for a Theory of the EmotionsⅠ. The Classic TheoriesⅡ. The Psychoanalytic TheoryⅢ. Outline of a Phenomenological TheoryConclusion


Review  A driving force in all Sartres writing is his serious desire to change the life of his reader. - Iris MurdochA model of lucid exposition, very well translated. The central thesis stands out with tempting clarity ... Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions is certainly the best introduction available to the world of Being and Nothingness, and is also a useful guide to M. Sartres more difficult views on the imagination. - Times Literary SupplementThe best source for Sartres theoretical views on the nature of psychology. - Mary Warnock, from the introduction   




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