出版时间:2004-12 出版社:Berkley Pub Group 作者:Pasternak, Harley/ Boldt, Ethan 页数:182
Harley Pasternak's 5-Factor Fitness will enable you to achieve the body you'v~always wanted, in 5 short weeks. Harley's plan works for Hollywood stars, pro.fessional sports figures, and countless others--and the very same program carwork for you. See remarkable and measurable results in just 5 weeks...
IntroductionPART I The Greatest Fitness-and-Food Program Ever Invented I THE [%AN 2 THE 5~FACTOR D~FFERENCE Why You've Failed Before Why the 5-Factor Will Work for YouPART 2 5-Factor Fitness 3 THE SC[~:NCE AND SENSE BE.HIND 5-FACTOR FITNESS How the 5-Factor Was Born The Science The Five Training Variables of S-Factor The Number "5" Divide in Order to Conquer Putting It All Together (Intensity + Variety = 5-Factor) 4. GE, TT~NG READY Optimizing Your Workout 5.~NE F~vE~WEEK PLAN Weeks 1 and 2: The Foundation Stage Weeks 3 and 4: The Framing Stage Week 5: The Finishing Stage Minutes 0:00 - 4:59 (Cardio Warm-Up) Minutes 5:00 4 14:59 (Strength Training) Minutes 15:00- 19:59 (Core Exercises) Minutes 20:00- 24:59 (Cardio) 5-Factor WorkOut Charts After Week 5: What's Next?PART 3 5-Factor Fuel 5-Factor Nutrition 8o How 5-FUEL SLIMS AND TONES The 5-Factor's Five Keys to Fat Loss The Five Criteria per Meal Your Cheat Day Nutrition Q&A Meal Plans 5-Factor Eating Tips Meal 1: Breakfast Meal 2: Midmoming Snack Meal 3: Lunch Meal 4: Afternoon Snack Meal 5: Dinner The Unlisted Meal: Dessert? A Final NoteIndex
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