女人应对雇佣精明战术的成功生涯 Women for Hire s Get Ahead Guide to Career Success

出版时间:2004-8  出版社:Perigee Books  作者:Johnson, Tory  页数:268  


A woman's work is never done.   From the creator of Women For Hire, America's #1 job fair for women, comes a real-world guide to on-the-job success. Tory Johnson teaches professionals at every level the most important networking skills and career strategies to keep them on top of the game. Using real-life anecdotes, professional advice, and quizzes, readers will learn:   - How to create a personal definition of success  - The business etiquette rules every woman must learn to get ahead  - How to deal with difficult colleagues  - Keys for making networking contacts work  - The trick to unselfish self-promoting  - Tips for coping with life's curveballs while keeping a career on track  - The tools for smarter, stronger, and better negotiating  - The secrets to enjoying success once it's been achieved


Acknowledgments Preface Introduction 1. You Are What You Think: Confidence Is the First Step to Success 2. Go for the Goal: Proper Planning Will Get You There 3. Repackage Your Assets: Apply Your Talents in a Whole New Way 4. Create the Perfect Package: Maximize Your Strengths and Minimize Your Weaknesses 5. Focus on the Fundamentals: Ace the Essentials of Professional Etiquette 6. Win (Don't Whine) Your Way Ahead: Cooperating with Colleagues and Clients Is Key 7. Use 'em or Lose 'em: Make Your Contacts Work for You 8. Be a Pro in Motion: Learn to Sell Yourself with Sizzle 9. Cope with Curveballs by Swinging Back: Don't Let Life's Challenges Derail Your Career 10. Put Your Mouth Where the Money Is: Speak Up to Get What You Deserve 11. Maintain Your After Hours: Finding Balance from 9 to 5, and Beyond 12. Cultivate a Peanut Gallery: Friends and Mentors Can Champion Your Success Cheers to Success Index About the Authors Contact Women For Hire and the Authors



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