出版时间:2003-12 出版社:1 edition (2003年8月1日) 作者:Emmanuel Modu 页数:226
For as little as $30, anyone can try their hand at investing, say Teenvestor authors Modu and Walker. Building on their previous book, the husband and wife team (he's a former v-p at J.P. Morgan Chase and Citibank, and she's an attorney) explains the basics-and some advanced techniques-of investing money in money market accounts, stocks, mutual funds and more. Targeted at the under-18 investor, Modu and Walker's advice is appropriately youth-oriented. For example, the section on goals asks readers if they're investing to save for a college education or a new car, or if they want to have "$100,00 by age 33." A chapter on savings distinguishes between "plain-vanilla savings" (e.g., savings and checking accounts) and "spiced up" savings, such as CDs. Throughout, the authors explain concepts like index shares and profit margins and include worksheets and sidebars listing Web sites to help the younger set manage their finances.
INTRODUCTIONPart h Ready, Set, Invest 1. Scoring Some Goals 2. Money Multiplication through Compounding 3. Know the DownsidePart I1: Stashing Your Cash 4. Plain-Vanilla Savings 5. Spicing Up Your Savings with CDs and Money Market Accounts 6. Credit Unions: The Alternative to Banks 7. Shopping for the Right AccountPart II1: Taking Stock 8. Look Before Diving into Stocks 9. Investing in Stocks, Step by Step 10. Buying Stock Directly at the Source 11. Direct Investment Plans, Step by StepPart IV: Having Some Funds 12. The Goods on Mutual Funds 13. Buying Your First Mutual Fund, Step by Step 14. Exchange Traded FundsPart V: Money for Reading, 'Rlting, and 'Rithmetic 15. Money for College 16. Choosing a College Savings Plan, Step by Step 17. Coverdell ESA--Saving for Kindergarten to College 18. Investing in the Coverdell ESA, Step by StepPart VI: Looking into the Future 19. IRAs--Not Just for the Old and Gray 20. How to Save with Roth IRAs, Step by Step 21. The Patriot Bond and Its Cousin 22. Buying U.S. Savings Bonds, Step by StepAPPENDIX I Show Me the Money!: Two Prominent Company Scandals ExplainedAPPENDIX II General Requirements for the Direct Investment Plans of the Companies in the DowAPPENDIX III Excerpts from the Prospectus of the Vanguard 500 Index FundAPPENDIX IV For Your Parents: Table for Comparing Tax-Advantage Investment Options (IRAs, College Plans, Coverdell ESAs, Custodial Accounts)APPENDIX V Websites/Publications/ServicesNDEX