Mermaids Most Amazing 奇妙的美人鱼

出版时间:2005-2  出版社:Putnam Pub Group  作者:Oliver, Narelle/ Oliver, Narelle (ILT)  


Grade 1-5 - This Australian import demonstrates the long-held fascination with mermaids throughout history. In three brief chapters, Oliver introduces legendary water folk from different lands and examines whether mermaids are "Real, Unreal, or Just a Seal"; traces sightings over the years and throughout the world; and tells of documented frauds and tricks. The book closes with five folktales from a variety of cultures and an ode to mermaids. Combining full-page paintings with smaller vignettes, the hand-colored, folksy linocuts are embellished with tiny beads, charms, and other bits of collage that deftly illustrate the lively text. The whole package pays great attention to detail, and yet one illustration lacks sensitivity. An American Indian tale from the Pacific coast erroneously shows a mermaid with a feather headband. With its attractive cover and subject matter, the book is likely to be popular; however, libraries should take this shortcoming into consideration. End pages depict a map of the mermaid world. - Angela J. Reynolds, Washington County Cooperative Library Services, Hillsboro, OR



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