出版时间:2002-7  出版社:华文出版社  作者:Nina Baym  页数:956  


The Norton Anthology of American Literature is the classic survey of American literature from its sixteenth-century origins to its flourishing present. This volume—Volume A—covers American literature from its beginning to 1820.


PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITIONACKNOWLEDGMENTSLiterature to 1700IntroductionTimeline  STORIES OF THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD    The Iroquois Creation Story     Pima Stories of the Beginning of the World    The Story of the Creation    The Story of the Flood  CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1451-1506)    From Letter to Luis de Santangel Regarding the First Voyage     From Letter to Ferdinand and Isabella Regarding the Fourth Voyage  BARTOLOMt DE LAS CASAS (1474-1566)    The Very Brief Relation of the Devastation of the Indies    From Hispaniola    From The Coast of Pearls, Paria, and the Island of Trinidad  BERNAL DIAZ DEL CASTILLO (1492-1584)    The True History of the Conquest of New Spain    [Gifts Presented to Cort6s]    [The Approach to Tenochtitlan]    [Cortes in Difficulties]    [The Destruction of Tenochtitlan]  ALVAR NUNEZ CABEZA DE VACA (c. 1490-1558)    The Relation of fidvar Nfifiez Cabeza de Vaca    [Dedication]    [The Malhado Way of Life]    [Our Life among the Avavares and Arbadaos]    [Pushing On]    [Customs of That Region]    [The Long Swing-Around]    [The Town of Hearts]    [The Buckle and the Horseshoe Nail]    [The First Confrontation]        [The Falling-Out with Our Countrymen]  GARCILASO DE LA VEGA ( 1539-1616)    The Florida of the Inca    Book II, Part I    Chapter II. Concerning the Tortures That a Cacique Inflicted upon a Spaniard, His Slave    Chapter III. The Hard Life of the Captive Christian Continues,and How He Fled from His Master    Chapter IV. Of the Magnanimity. of the Curaca or Cacique Mucoo, to Whom the Captive Commended Himself    Chapter V. The Governor Sends for Juan Ortiz THOMAS HARRIOT (1560-1621)    A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia        From Of the Nature and Manners of the People  SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN (c. 1570-1635)    The Voyages of Sieur de Champlain    From Chapter VIII. Continuation of the Exploration of the Coast of the Almouchiquois    From Chapter XIII. The Sieur de Poutrincourt Sets Out from Port Royal to Make Discoveries    Chapter XIV. Continuation of the Above-Mentioned Discoveries    The Voyages and Discoveries he Voyage of 1618    [Account of ltienne Brul6]  JOHN SMITH (1580-1631)    The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer  Isles    The Third Book. From Chapter 2. What Happened till the First Supply     The Fourth Book. [Smith's Farewell to Virginia]    From A Description of New England    From New England's TrialsNATIVE  AMERICAN TRICKSTER TALES  WINNEBAGO    Felix White Sr.s Introduction to Wakjankaga (transcribed and translated by Kathleen Danker and Felix White)    From The Winnebago Trickster Cycle (edited by Paul Radin) SIOUX    Ikto Conquers lya, the Eater (transcribed and edited by Ella C.Deloria)  ……American Literature 1700-1820SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHIESPERMISSIONS ACKNOWLEDGMENTSINDEX




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