Macroeconomics 1e 宏观经济学

出版时间:2008-1  作者:查尔斯·I·琼斯  


Macroeconomics is the most exciting new
economics textbook in a generation. Charles Jones distills
modern macroeconomics as it is currently practiced—producing the
first text to cover modern growth theory at the undergraduate
level. The author's unique abilities as a teacher and writer render
this modern treatment of economic theory an easy read for students
new to the field. Together with a distinctive focus on problem
solving, this clearly written text brilliantly matches
accessibility with cutting-edge theory.


Charles I. Jones (Ph.D. MIT, 1993) is the
STANCO 25 Professor of Economics at the Stanford University
Graduate School of Business and a Research Associate of the
National Bureau of Economic Research. Professor Jones's main
research contributions are to the study of long-run economic
growth. In particular, he has examined theoretically and
empirically the fundamental sources of growth in per capita income
over time and the reasons underlying the enormous differences in
standards of living across countries. In recent years, he has used
his expertise in macroeconomic methods to study the economic causes
behind the rise in health spending and longevity. He is the author
of Introduction to Economic Growth, Second Edition, also
published by W.W. Norton & Company.




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