音乐家巴赫Introducing Bach

出版时间:1996-1  作者:Roland Vernon  页数:32  


IndexGr 5-7--First published in Britain, these two slim overviews of the composers' lives have visually interesting page layouts with plenty of full-color drawings, photographs, and engravings to catch readers' eyes. Sidebars give additional details on people, historical events, and artistic movements mentioned in the text. While the highly attractive presentations might lift these titles from being strictly report fodder to the level of general interest, the narratives are not easy reading. The historical references and vocabulary make them appropriate for an older audience than the 32-page format might suggest. Of the two, Introducing Mozart is the more compelling. The "divine boy" is a far more fascinating figure than the pious Bach. While both books place their subjects in context of their times and make a case for their stature and continued relevance in a modern world, readers with the sophistication to handle these introductions will want more substantive treatments.  作者简介:  Roland Vernon is a great lover of the music and the arts. His love and extensive knowledge of classical music has lead him to write several books on famous composers including Caruso and Tetrazzinni and Ruffo and Galli Curci. Introducing composers is his attempt to spread appreciation of classical music to a younger audience. He lives in Somerset --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


Introduction BachMusic in the FamilyA Thirst for KnowledgeA Young Man with New IdeasAn Organ VirtuosoBach and the BaroqueThe Court at WeimarThe Cothen YearsCantor of LeipzigDrama in ChurchCoffee-house ConcertsThe Old MasterBach Lives On Time ChartGlossary



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   一位才华横溢的乐长,一位独行特立的艺术家,一位不随波追流的绅士。
  •   不错,可惜里面的书签买完了就丢了~~~可惜啊
  •   巨大开本,硬壳,薄薄几十页,类似儿童书。不过好像就是儿童书

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