The Phantom Tollbooth 50th Anniversary Edition 神奇的收费亭 50周年纪念版

出版时间:2011-10  出版社:Random House  作者:Juster, Norton; Feiffer, Jules;  


It has been fifty years--and millions of readers--since the
world was first introduced to Milo and his adventures in the Lands
Beyond with Tock, the Humbug, and the captive princesses Rhyme and
Now we have a remarkable 50th anniversary edition to honor this
universally adored and deeply influential novel. This special
edition will include:
- Gorgeous packaging that features the classic original art stamped
and debossed on the case with a transparent acetate jacket.
- Brief essays from esteemed authors, educators, and artists,
including Philip Pullman, Suzanne Collins, Jeanne Birdsall, Mo
Willems, and several others.
- Photos of the author and illustrator at the time of writing and
today on the two-color endpapers.
- The 35th anniversary essay by Maurice Sendak.
- The complete text of the book.
A perfect gift for longstanding fans and lucky new readers, the
50th anniversary edition of The Phantom Tollbooth is a book to


  朱尔斯·费弗(Jules Feiffer)
NORTON JUSTER is an architect and the author of other highly
acclaimed children's books, including The Dot and the Line, The
Hello, Goodbye Window, illustrated by Chris Raschka, which
received the Caldecott Medal, and The Odious Ogre, also
illustrated by Jules Feiffer.


An Appreciation
1. Milo
2. Beyond Expectations
3. Welcome to Dictionopolis
4. Confusion in the Market Place
5. Short Shrift
6. Faintly Maeabre's Story
7. The Royal Banquet
8. The Humbug Volunteers
9. It's All in How You Look at Things
10. A Colorful Symphony
11. Disehord and Dynne
12. The Silent Valley
13. Unfortunate Conclusions
14. The Dodecahedron Leads the Way
15. This Way to Infinity
16. A Very Dirty Bird
17. Unwelcoming Committee
18. Castle in the Air
19. The Return of Rhyme and Reason
20. Good-by and Hello
Celebrations of The Phantom Tollbooth



    The Phantom Tollbooth 50th Anniversary Edition 神奇的收费亭 50周年纪念版 PDF格式下载

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