Step into Reading Phonics First Steps, Set 3 (平装)

出版时间:2004年10月  出版社:Random House Books for Young Readers  作者:Jennifer Liberts Weinberg  


Research shows that early instruction in phonics is the first step to reading success. Now Step into Reading is introducing a fun and comprehensive, educationally based phonics program designed to help kids learn to read, step by step! Developed by a phonics expert, each box includes eight brief books that cover a specific range of phonic skills. The boxed sets build on each other, and book by book, skills are reviewed and reinforced as new ones are introduced—giving kids the tools they need to crack the code of letters and sounds.
A sample of featured skills:
? more digraphs (or two-letter blends that form a single sound) like bl-,
qu-, and cr-
? additional two-letter phonograms (word parts) like -nk, -ck, and -sh
? three-letter, long-vowel phonograms like -ade, -een, -ive, and -oke

length: (cm)13.4                 width:(cm)15.4



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