America's Best Value Colleges, 2007 Edition (平装)

出版时间:2006年03月  出版社:Princeton Review  作者:Princeton Review  


Inside You’ll Find:
? Strategies for choosing the school that best meets your needs
? Tips on tackling the admission process and getting accepted
? The real cost of college once financial aid is applied to your bill
? School- and state-specific scholarships and grant aid
worth checking out
? Snapshots of campus life
? Career prospects for graduates of each profiled college
We offer a range of both public and private colleges, from small liberal arts colleges to large state universities, some well-known and some up-and-coming. A few are expensive (and worth every penny) while several manage to do the seemingly impossible (charge $0.00 for tuition!), but all of the included schools offer students the best value for their college education.
The Princeton Review is the fastest growing test-preparation company in the country, with over 60 franchise offices in the nation. Each year, we help more than 2 million students prepare for college, grad school, professional licensing exams, and successful careers.

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