赤裸的谋杀/Naked to the Hangman

出版时间:2007-1  出版社:Andrew Taylor Hodder (2007-01出版)  作者:Andrew Taylor  


Book Description
As a young police officer in Palestine during the closing months of the Mandate – the cradle of Middle Eastern terrorism – Richard Thornhill saw and did things which still haunt his dreams and make him fear for his sanity.
Years later, a retired police officer is found dead in Lydmouth. The past has come back to claim Detective Inspector Thornhill, and now he is under suspicion of murder.
His wife Edith and former lover Jill Francis join forces in an uneasy alliance to try to help him. And the Spring floods are rising higher than they have in living memory, drowning a multitude of secrets….
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.8                 width:(cm)11.2


Reviews 1. ‘Crime at its best’---------The Sunday Times2. ‘Enthralling’---------Observer3. ‘Taylor’s Lydmouth novels are turning the classical detective story into a complex picture of our own past.’---------Independent4. ‘I am a fan of Andrew Taylor, who continues to evoke provincial England brilliantly in his Lydmouth novels….Naked to the Hangman fills in the personal history of his tormented detective, Chief Inspector Thornhill, revealing the horrors that he witnessed as a young police officer in Palestine in the closing days of the British mandate. It is a far cry from those events to a dancing class in Lydmouth, which is where the English scenes open, but Taylor draws the two worlds perfectly’----------The Sunday Times



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