Lady Boss 掌门人

出版时间:2007-3  出版社:经济日报  作者:Collins, Jackie  页数:503  


Lucky Santangelo – she’s ruthless, wild... and dangerous.   In Chances she showed how deadly a woman can be.   In Lucky she showed what she had to do to win – one hundred per cent of the time.   Now she’s reaching for the ultimate prize – control over a major Hollywood studio. Control over the destinies of some of the richest and most powerful people on earth.   Lucky Santangelo is the Lady Boss. And what Lucky Wants, Lucky always gets...


Jackie Collins is one of the worldi 8 top—selling writers,with over four hundred million copies of her books sold in more than fortv countries.Her twenty—three bestselling novels have never been out of print.She lives in Beverly Hills,California.



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