Lucky 幸运

出版时间:2007-3  作者:Collins, Jackie  


This is a brand spanking new, rejacketed B format edition featuring a letter from Jackie Collins to her fans ...Daughter of one of the world's richest and most powerful men, wildly beautiful Lucky Santangelo is set on continuing the family tradition ...Sex and the rich fruits of crime are her aphrodisiacs. Power is the ultimate thrill - power over the Santangelo empire, power over the men of her choice. Moving in the fast lane from Las Vegas to New York, Beverly Hills to a Greek island paradise, Lucky takes up where Chances left off. Winning is all that matters - and luck has nothing to do with it. "If you take "Lucky" to the beach for sunbathing company, you may still be lying there reading when the moon comes up." - "Cosmopolitan".



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