出版时间:2006-12 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Sorrentino, Sheila A./ Gorek, Bernie 页数:738
Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants provides complete coverage of the nursing assistant's role in the long-term care setting. These responsibilities are addressed clearly and logically in a visually appealing format. This new edition now includes Mosby's Nursing Assistant CD-ROM packaged free with the text to make learning key procedures interactive and engaging. A clear and readable writing style with a 7th grade reading level makes content easily understandable. Includes over 100 procedures divided into pre-procedure, procedure, and post-procedure sections for easier learning. The text highlights OBRA content throughout. Quality of Life boxes throughout the text address the OBRA mandate to enhance residents' overall well-being. Charting examples demonstrate correct recording methods to ensure accuracy in practice. Delegation Guidelines detail what the nursing assistant should know before accepting specific delegated tasks. Promoting Safety and Comfort boxes provide guidelines for techniques to promote the resident's safety and comfort. Focus on Rehabilitation boxes alert the student to special information and insights regarding rehabilitation care. Caring About Culture boxes help students learn about the various practices and preferences of people from various cultural groups. Residents with Dementia boxes detail special care and safety considerations for the confused resident. Teamwork and Time Management boxes suggest ways for nursing assistants to work more efficiently with the nursing team. Focus on Communication boxes provide suggestions for how to communicate with residents in a professional and caring manner. Safe Resident Handling, Moving, and Transfers follows OSHA's new ergonomic guidelines to prevent musculoskeletal injuries in nursing homes. Includes new procedures such as transferring the person from the chair or wheelchair to bed, and transferring the person to and from the toilet. Six new chapters include Assisting with the Nursing Process, Preventing Falls, Safe Resident Handling, Moving, and Transfers, Nutritional Support and IV Therapy, Collecting and Testing Specimens, and Hearing, Speech, and Vision Problems. UNIQUE! Companion CD includes 25 procedures with video, animation, and interactive exercises, plus an audio glossary and Body Spectrum, an anatomy and physiology review program. UNIQUE! Workbook includes a competency review section that covers content tested in most state's certification exams, along with a series of review questions. Appendix provides basic Spanish health care terminology.
UNIT I: WORKING IN LONG-TERMCARE SETTINGS 1 Working in Long-Term Care, 2 The Nursing Assistant In Long-Term Care, 3 Work Ethics, 4 Communicating With the Health Team, 5 Assisting With the Nursing Process, UNIT II: FOCUSING ON THE PERSON 6 Understanding the Resident, 7 Body Structure and Function, 8 The Older Person, 9 Sexuality, UNIT III: PROTECTING THE PERSON 10 Safety, 11 Preventing Falls, 12 Restraint Alternatives and Safe Restraint Use, 13 Preventing Infection, 14 Body Mechanics, 15 Safe Resident Handling, Moving, and Transfers, UNIT IV: ASSISTING WITH ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING 16 The Resident's Unit, 17 Bedmaking, 18 Hygiene, 19 Grooming, 20 Urinary Elimination, 21 Bowel Elimination, 22 Nutrition and Fluids, 23 Nutritional Support and IV Therapy, 24 Exercise and Activity, 25 Comfort, Rest, and Sleep, 26 Oxygen Needs, 27 Assisted Living, UNIT V: ASSISTING WITH ASSESSMENT 28 Measuring Vital Signs, 29 Assisting With the Physical Examination, 30 Collecting and Testing Specimens, UNIT VI: ASSISTING WITH CARE NEEDS 31 Admitting, Transferring, and Discharging Residents, 32 Wound Care, 33 Heat and Cold Applications, 34 Hearing, Speech, and Vision Problems, 35 Common Health Problems, 36 Mental Health Problems, 37 Confusion and Dementia, 38 Developmental Disabilities, 39 Rehabilitation and Restorative Care, 40 Basic Emergency Care, 41 The Dying Person,