出版时间:1970-1 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Thomas J. Bader MD 页数:428
The Secrets Series[registered]" is breaking new ground again. This volume in the very popular "Secrets Series[registered]" is back in an exciting, updated, and completely redesigned third edition. A new, two-color page layout, a more portable size, and a list of the Top 100 Secrets in obstetrics and gynecology help readers to better meet the challenges they face today. And, at no extra charge, purchasers also receive online access to the complete contents of the text via Elseviers innovative website. Readers will still find all of the features they rely on the "Secret Series[registered]" for a question- and -answer format, lists, mnemonics, and tables and an informal tone that make reference fast and easy. No matter what questions arise in practice or while preparing for boards, this updated third edition has the answers in print and online.
Top 100 SecretsUseful WebsitesI.GENERAL GYNECOLOGY AND INFERTILITY 1 Benign lesions of the vulva and vagina 2 Lower genital tract infections 3 Pelvic inflammatory disease 4 The menstrual cycle 5 Puberty 6 Amenorrhea 7 Premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea 8 Abnormal uterine bleeding 9 Hirsutism 10 Leiomyomatous uterus 11 Endometriosis and adenomyosis 12 Acute and chronic pelvic pain 13 Anovulation and induction of ovulation 14 Infertility 15 In vitro fertilization 16 Pelvic organ prolapse 17 Urinary incontinence 18 Spontaneous abortions 19 Induced abortion 20 Ectopic pregnancy 21 Contraception 22 Female sexual dysfunction 23 Menopause 24 Breast disease II.GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOSY 25 Vulvar and vaginal cancer 26 Precancerous disease of the lower genital tract 27 Cervical cancer 28 Endometrial hyperplasia and uterine cancer 29 Benign adnexal masses 30 Ovarian cancer 31 Gestational trophoblastic disease III.SOCIAL/HEALTH ISSUESIV.PRENATAL CAREV.COMRLICATIONS OF PREGNANCYVI.THE FETUS AND PLACENTAVII.LABOR OELIVERY AND POSTPARTUMINDEX