出版时间:2006-8 出版社:Mosby/JEMS 作者:NAEMT 页数:594
As the required textbook for NAEMT's worldwide prehospital trauma life support courses, Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) is the definitive resource for learning basic and advanced prehospital trauma skills and concepts. Now revised and expanded to cover all aspects of prehospital trauma with new chapters on burns, wilderness trauma, tactical considerations, weapons of mass destruction, triage and disaster management, and environmental trauma the 6th edition is the ultimate trauma text for any prehospital care provider! The 6th edition is also ideal for use as the trauma component of an EMT or paramedic course or as a general reference tool on trauma assessment and management. The Instructor's Resource Manual with CD-ROM is available for certified PHTLS instructors ONLY. It can be ordered through MosbyJems, but customers must first obtain an access code from the National PHTLS office at 1-800-94-PHTLS or 1-601-924-7744. Individuals may also call the above numbers for information on How to Become a PHTLS Instructor.
DIVISION 1 Energy and Injury 1 Introduction to PHTLS 2 Injury Prevention 3 Kinematics of TraumaDIVISION 2 Assessment and Management 4 Scene 5 Patient 6 Airway and Ventilation 7 ShockDIVISION 3 Specific Injuries 8 Head Trauma 9 Spinal Trauma 10 Thoracic Trauma 11 Abdominal Trauma 12 Musculoskeletal Trauma 13 Burn Trauma 14 Pediatric Trauma 15 Geriatric Trauma 16 Environmental Trauma I: Heat and Cold 17 Environmental Trauma II: Drowning Lightning Diving and AltitudeDWISION 4 Summary 18 Golden Principles of Prehospital Trauma CareDIVISION 5 Special Considerations 19 Disaster Management 20 Weapons of Mass Destruction 21 Civilian Tactical Emergency Medical Support 22 Wilderness Trauma CareGLOSSARYINDEX