出版时间:2004-10 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Weiss, Susan/ Falkenstein, Nancy 页数:484
This one-of-a-kind reference provides a comprehensive overview of hand rehabilitation. Featuring a unique, question and detailed-answer format, "Hand Rehabilitation" guides the reader from basic information about hand anatomy through complex topics, including the most advanced treatment techniques. Each chapter is formatted as a series of multiple-choice questions, complete with detailed answers and references to other hand therapy resources. There are practice questions included at the end of the book with perforated pages for detachment and copying. Also included are, clinical gems in each chapter, providing the reader with helpful hints and important facts to remember related to certain subjects or questions.
1 Anatomy extravaganza 2 Intrinsic mechanism 3 Evaluation 4 Neuroanatomy and sensory reeducation 5 Modalities 6 Wounds/infection 7 Flaps/grafts/thermal conditions 8 Wrist 9 Elbow10 Shoulder 11 Fractures 12 Sports injuries of the upper extremity 13 Arthritis 14 Complex regional pain syndrome/reflex sympathetic dystrophy 15 Tendons 16 Biomechanics and tendon transfers17 Splinting18 Cumulative trauma 19 Dupuytren s Discase and Tumors20 Congenital Anomalies/Amputations/Prosthctics21 Hodge Podgy of Treatment Techniques22 Occupational Safety and Health Administration23 Research and StatistiesAppendixes 1 Hand Enthusiasts Vendor and Website List 2 Drugs Commonly Encountered in Hand Therapy 3 Nutrition 4 Practice QuestionsReferences