出版时间:2003-10 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Polsky, S. Scott/ Markowitz, Jenifer 页数:213
The Color Atlas of Domestic Violence is the first text to look specifically and comprehensively at the injuries frequently seen as a result of domestic violence. This atlas provides a visual aid for the examination, identification, and documentation of domestic injuries. It includes extensive visual content, as well as content on the cycles of violence and epidemiology of domestic violence. Specific injury types and patterns are both discussed and presented pictorially. The collection of needed forensic evidence is covered to help assure appropriate prosecution of the perpetrator. Psychological violence is included in addition to physical injury violence. This book can be read in its entirety to provide a strong background in domestic violence injuries or used as a spot reference to help understand when specific injuries may be the result of domestic violence. The primary focus is on adult females however, males, children, gays and lesbians, and older adults as victims are covered as well.
1 CLINICIAN'S APPROACH TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, Epidemiology, Physical and Emotional Sequelae to Abuse, Assessing and Intervening in Domestic Violence, Violence Screening, Barriers to Screening and Acknowledgment of Abuse, Clinical Clues, Violence Screening Protocols, Violence Screening Protocols, Intervention, Documentation,2 INJURY PATTERNS AND PATTERNED INJURIES,3 APPROACH TO THE SERIOUS OR MULTIPLE TRAUMA PATIENT, Forensic Approach to Patient, Physical Examination: The Primary Survey, Secondary Survey and History,4 PENETRATING INJURIES, Eileen IS. Baker, MD Firearms Violence, Handguns, Ballistics, Entrance Wounds, Exit Wounds, and Clues to Range of Fire, Graze Wounds, Shotguns, Shot. Shotgun Slugs and Slug Wounds Shotgun Wounds, Sharp-Force Injuries, Forensic Evidence, The Chain of Custody,5 ORAL AND FACIAL INJURIES, Step-Wise Examination, Extra-Oral Examination, Intra-Oral Examination, Diagnosing Facial Trauma, Radiologic Evaluation,6 BLUNT THORACIC TRAUMA, Critical Chest Injuries, Tracheobronchial Tree Injury, Pneumothorax, Rupture of a Great Vessel and Hemothorax, Cardiac Injury and Tamponade, Examination and Radiographs, Rib and Pulmonary Injuries and Flail Chest,7 BLUNT ABDOMINAL TRAUMA, Assessment, Treatment,8 TRAUMA IN PREGNANCY, Anatomy, Physiology, and Injury Patterns of Pregnancy, Treatment, Fetal Assessment and Injuries, Follow-Up,……