White Oleander (平装)

出版时间:1999年10月  出版社:Little Brown and Company  作者:Janet Fitch  


White Oleander is a painfully beautiful first novel about a young girl growing up the hard way. It is a powerful story of mothers and daughters, their ambiguous alliances, their selfish love and cruel behaviour, and the search for love and identity.Astrid has been raised by her mother, a beautiful, headstrong poet. Astrid forgives her everything as her world revolves around this beautiful creature until Ingrid murders a former lover and is imprisoned for life. Astrid's fierce determination to survive and be loved makes her an  unforgettable figure.  
'LIQUID POETRY' - Oprah Winfrey
'Tangled, Complex and extraordinarily moving' - Observer --This text refers to the Paperback edition.




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