Red Riding Hood 小红帽

出版时间:2011-1  出版社:Hachette  作者:Blakley-Cartwright, Sarah; Johnson, David Leslie; Hardwicke, Catherine  页数:329  


  Valerie's sister was beautiful, kind, and sweet. Now she is
dead. Henri, the handsome son of the blacksmith, tries to console
Valerie, but her wild heart beats fast for another: the outcast
woodcutter, Peter, who offers Valerie another life far from
  After her sister's violent death, Valerie's world begins to
spiral out of control. For generations, the werewolf has been kept
at bay with a monthly sacrifice. But no one is safe. When an expert
wolf hunter arrives, the villagers learn that the creature lives
among them - it could be anyone in town.
  It soon becomes clear that Valerie is the only one who can hear
the voice of creature. The Wolf says she must surrender herself
before the Blood Moon wanes . . . or everyone she loves will
  This is a dangerous new vision of a classic fairy tale, and for
readers who want even more of Valerie's riveting story, a bonus
chapter that extends the drama is available at




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