出版时间:2002-6 作者:Findlay, Ronald; Jonung, Lars; Lundahl, Mats 页数:546
Bertil Ohlin, international trade theorist, winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize in Economics, and leader of the Swedish Liberal Party for more than twenty years, is considered to be the major single influence on the development of international economics in the twentieth century. This volume, celebrating the centennial of Ohlin's birth, examines his life and his influence on modern economic thought. It also contains the first English translation of his licentiate thesis, in which he first set out his theory of international trade.
Ronald Findlay is Ragnar Nurkse Professor of Economics at Columbia University.
ContributorsPreface1 IntroductionⅠ The Man 2 A Portrait of Our Father 3 Bertil Ohlin as a Friend and Colleague 4 My Bertil Ohlin 5 Ohlin Today: A Bibliometric Picture 6 Bertil Ohlin as a Liberal PoliticianⅡ The Early Bertil Ohlin 7 Ohlin versus Heckscher and Wicksell on Forestry: One Win (Points) and One Draw 8 Eureka unter den Linden: A Reinterpretation of Ohlin's Early Contributions to the Heckscher-Ohlin Theme 9 The Theory of Interregional Exchange 10 The Young Ohlin on the Theory of Interregional and International Trade 11 Bertil Ohlin in CopenhagenⅢ The Macroeconomics of Bertil Ohlin 12 Keynes and Ohlin on the Transfer Problem 13 Ohlin on the Great Depression: The Popular Message in the Daily Press 14 Bertil Ohlin and the Stockholm School: Autonomous Changes in Consumption Demand; Ohlin, 1932 to 1934 15 Bertil Ohlin and the Committee on Unemployment, 1927 to 1935Ⅳ The Heckscher-Ohlin Theory of Trade 16 Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Models for the New Century 17 What Role for Empirics in International Trade?Ⅴ The Heckscher-Ohlin Theory and Economic HistoryIndex