Script Analysis for Actors, Directors, and Designers, Third Edition (平装)

出版时间:2004年11月  出版社:Focal Press  作者:James Thomas  


"This book is a must-read for anyone interested in directing drama...I cannot praise this book highly enough...When I studied for my MA in theatre and film I struggled to unpick scripts and dramatic texts - if I'd read this book I would have had a far easier journey of discovery and a practical tool-kit to enable me to understand scripts and bring them to life on screen. The language is dense and quite academic, but the reader is rewarded with invaluable information." - Focus magazine   

"This book is a must-read for anyone interested in directing drama...I cannot praise this book highly enough...When I studied for my MA in theatre and film I struggled to unpick scripts and dramatic texts - if I'd read this book I would have had a far easier journey of discovery and a practical tool-kit to enable me to understand scripts and bring them to life on screen. The language is dense and quite academic, but the reader is rewarded with invaluable information." - Focus magazine



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