Erak’s Ransom 皇家骑士7

出版时间:2011-9  出版社:Penguin  作者:Flanagan, John  


  What does it mean to earn the Silver Oakleaf? So few men have
done so. For Will, a mere boy, that symbol of honor has long felt
out of reach. Now, in the wake of Araluen’s uneasy truce with the
raiding Skandians comes word that the Skandian leader has been
captured by a dangerous desert tribe. The Rangers are sent to free
him. But the desert is like nothing these warriors have seen
before. Strangers in a strange land, they are brutalized by
sandstorms, beaten by the unrelenting heat, tricked by one tribe
that plays by its own rules, and surprisingly befriended by
another. Like a desert mirage, nothing is as it seems. Yet one
thing is constant: the bravery of the Rangers.
  In this red-hot adventure, winner of the Australian Book of the
Year Award for Older Children, John Flanagan raises the stakes on
the series that has already sold millions of copies worldwide.


  John Flanagan lives in Australia.



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