Dump the Skater Dude垃圾堆中的滑冰者

出版时间:2007-5  出版社:Penguin USA  作者:Rosemary Graham  


Grade 8-10–In My Not-So-Terrible Time at the Hippie Hotel (Viking, 2003), three girls meet during a retreat at a Cape Cod inn. While that novel focuses on Tracy, this new offering tells Kelsey's story. Following her parents' divorce, she moves from Boston to California with her mother and younger brother. After spending eighth grade as an outcast at a small private school, she convinces her parents to let her attend public high school. Tall, blond, and pretty, Kelsey hits the social jackpot when C.J. Logan, a well-known skateboarder, picks her for his girlfriend. At first, being with C.J. is fun, but Kelsey eventually realizes that the relationship is all about him and his ego. When she dumps him at the end of the school year, he retaliates by saying nasty things about her on his blog. To live down her reputation and find her real self, Kelsey joins the superachievers on the school newspaper in the fall. When she realizes that even her brother can read the venom that C.J. is spewing on the Internet, she confronts him and receives an apology and his promise to delete his lies about her. Like Hippie Hotel, this is a story of girl power as Kelsey stands up for herself and takes charge of her life. While the strong feminist message is great, there is not much new here; issues and characters are fairly stereotypical. Still, Kelsey's breezy, edgy, often-wry voice captures high school life and will appeal to fans of teen romances.    作者简介:    Rosemary Graham is a professor of English and Creative Writing at St. Mary's College of California. She lives with her husband and daughter in Berkeley, California. Her first novel, My Not-So-Terrible Time at the Hippie Hotel, was published in 200S. This is her second novel. Visit Rosemary Graham at www.rosemarygraham.com.


Rosemary Graham is the author of My Not-So-Terrible Time at the  Hippie Hotel, an IRA Young Adults Choice. She lives in Berkeley,  California.


Graham delivers a sensitive, in-depth exploration of an initially  shallow girl who grows into independence . . . A very nice job indeed. -- Kirkus ReviewsGraham has a wonderfully light touch. -- The San Francisco ChronicleThe very likable, very human Kelsey Wilcox is a winning narrator,  and the happy ending to this story of high school angst and boy-girl  trouble is very satisfying. -- Children's LiteratureThis book was fun, witty, and made me rethink where my sympathies  lie in Avril Lavigne's 'Sk8r Boi. -- Ellegirl.com



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