Are You Alone on Purpose你独自追寻目标吗

出版时间:2007-6  出版社:Penguin USA  作者:Werlin, Nancy  页数:204  


Harry Roth is the bane of Alison shandling’s existence. He’s obnoxious and rude, and thinks nothing of taunting brainy Alison or making comments about her autistic twin brother. Alison tries to ignore him, but since she sees him at school and at synagogue, he’s hard to avoid. then Harry is injured in a diving accident and winds up in a wheelchair. Now Harry is vulnerable, too, and Alison finds herself inexplicably drawn to him. initially cautious, these unlikely companions begin to understand each other, and their relationship grows first into a friendship and then into something more.


Nancy Werlin is the Edgar Award–winning author of The Killer’s Cousin. She lives near Boston, Massachusetts.


[werlin’s] skill in sketching out family dynamics and probing the difficult issues of adolescence mark her as a writer worth watching. -- Publishers Weekly




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   帮同学买的,听她说还不错!
  •   看着这书名好像还可以,但读了内容之后有点失望,很普通的内容,平平淡淡的,一点都不吸引人
  •   a touching read for high school students.

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