Clive Cussler Lost City 遗失的城市

出版时间:2006-3  出版社:Penguin  作者:Cussler,Clive  


The discovery of a body frozen for ninety years in a glacier high in the French Alps seems of unlikely concern to Kurt Austin and the NUMA Special Projects team. But when those on site are trapped in alpine tunnels flooding with glacial melt water, Austin can hardly ignore a cry for help. And this near tragedy proves to be no mere accident.For the body held a secret. A secret someone was prepared to kill for.
Soon Austin is plunged into a mystery involving a virulent algal weed ravaging the Atlantic's Lost City trench.while he and the team face a family of astonishing greed-who will stop at nothing to get what they want…


Clive Cussler is the author or CO-author of twenty-five pre-vinous books,including Atlantis Found, Valhalla Racine, Fire Ice and most recently the Dirk Pitt novel Trojan Odyssey,the NUMA Files novel W0bite Death and the Oregon adventure Golden Buddha.He is also the author of The Sea Hunters and The Sea Hunters II;these describe the true-life adventures of the real NUMA,which,led by Cussler,has discovered more than sixty ships,including the long-lost Confederate submarine Henley.Cussler divides his time between Colorado and Arizona.




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