(商业写作(企鹅写作指南)Writing for Business

出版时间:2005-6  出版社:Penguin Books Ltd  作者:Chris Shevlin  页数:248  


Business demands many types of writing skills-from creating proposals and presentations to compiling reports and briefings。This one-stop,no-nonsense guide shows you how to improve your writing at work,including how to discover your strengths and weakness,how to identify your audience,and how to develop your argument and keep information flowing while avoiding overused jargon。It shows you how to make the most of the language you use and make your writing effevtive and influential。


Acknowledgements Introduction How to Use This BookPart1 The Method:Planning and Writing 1 About You 2 Your Readers 3 Your Goal and Your Message 4 Structure  5 The Medium  6 The Way YoU Work  7 Working in TeamsPart2 Your Writing:Making It Clear and Easy to Read  8 Who:Making Your Subject Clear  9 What:Clear Actions 10 Geeing the Tone Right 11 Getting the Length RightPart3 The Details:Checking 12 TooLsfor Checking 13 Punctuation 14 Rules and Conventions 15 Words to WatchIndex



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