Statistics for Six Sigma Green Belts with Minitab and JMP统计学

出版时间:2006-6  出版社:Pearson P T R  作者:Levine, David M.  页数:368  


  The only book on the market that provides a simple nonmathematical presentation of the statistics needed by Six Sigma Green Belts. Every concept is explained in plain English with a minimum of mathematical symbols. Includes real-world examples, step by step instructions and sample output for Minitab and JMP software as well as downloadble, ready to use data sets and templates. Includes applications to service industries to help managers understand the role of Six Sigma in nonmanufacturing industries.


David M. Levine, Professor Emeritus of Statistics and Computer Information Systems at Bernard M. Baruch College (City University of New York), is nationally recognized as a leading innovator in business statistics education. 
  He is co-author of sever


Acknowledgments  About the Author  Preface  Chapter 1:  Fundamentals of Six Sigma   Introduction  1.1 What Is Six Sigma?    The DMAIC Model  1.2 Roles in a Six Sigma Organization    Master Black Belt     Black Belt     Green Belt  1.3 Statistics and Six Sigma   1.4 Learning Statistics for Six Sigma Using This Book     Summary     ReferencesChapter 2:  Introduction to Statistics    Introduction  2.1 Enumerative and Analytic Studies     Distinguishing Between Enumerative and Analytic Studies   2.2 Types of Sampling     Simple Random Sample      Straified Sample    Cluster Sample  2.3 Types of Variables   2.4 Operational Definitions     Summary    References   A2.1 Introduction to Minitab Version 14    Minitab Overview     Using Minitab Worksheets    Opening and Saving Worksheets and Other Components     Printing Worksheets,Graphs,and Sessions     Selecting a Random Sample   A2.2 Introduction to JMP Version 6    JMP Overview     Using JMP Data Tables     Selecting a Pandom Sample Chapter 3:  Presenting Data in Charts and Tables    Introduction  3.1 Graphing Attribute Data  3.2 Graphing Measurement Data   Summary   References   A3.1 Using Minitab to Construct Charts   A3.2 Using JMP to Construct Charts Chapter 4:  Descriptive Statistics    Introduction  4.1 Measures of Central Tendency  4.2 Measures of Variation   4.3 The Shape of Distributions   Summary   References  A4.1 Using Minitab for Descriptive Statistics   A4.2 Using JMP for Descriptive StatisticsChapter 5:  Probability and Probability Distributions  Chapter 6:  Sampling Distributions and Confidence Intervals  Chapter 7:  Hypothesis Testing  Chapter 8:  Design of Experiments  Chapter 9:  Simple Linear Regression  Chapter 10:  Multiple RegressionChapter 11:  Control Charts for Six Sigma Management  Appendix A:  Review of Arithmetic and Algebra Appendix B:  Summation Notation  Appendix C:  Statistical Tables  Appendix D:  Documentation of Data Files Glossary  Index




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