Winning the 3-Legged Race学会用三条腿跑步

出版时间:2005-11  出版社:Pearson P T R  作者:Hoque, Faisal (EDT)  页数:228  


In a 3-legged race,the perennial picnic game,two players run with the left leg of one tied to the right leg of the other.Those tied limbs become the "third leg." The teammates who coordinate best are sure winners.  That's how executives have to think about managing business technology.If they don't,they run the risk that their competitors will.And,as this book shows,companies that manage their business and technology together will likely win the race.  Technology levels the playing field: one com-pany's lead is closed as competitors buy the same proficiency.But closing a gap in the management of technology is not as easy.It involves how a company is organized and governed.This book,therefore,explores what may well be the last opportunity for building and sustaining a competitive edge.  Winning The 3-Legged Race examines the inter-play of business technology with business strategy,governance,budgeting,organization,risk management,business processes,part-nerships,and the marketplace-and offers the theory,real-world examples,and specific advice for executives on running,and winning,the race.


Acknowledgments:Authors and ContributorsPreface:Our Journey So FarIntroduction:The Convergence of Business and TechnologyPART Ⅰ Preparing to Run Getting BTM on the Executive Agenda  1 What Is BTM?  2 Strategic Positions  3 Making the Right Investments  4 Governance:Who's in Charge?  5 Is Your Organization Ready?PART Ⅱ  Leading the Pack Realizing Crtical BTM Capabiities  6 Buy, Hold, or Sell?  7 The Age of Process  8 Considering Risk  9 Measuring SuccessConclusion:Peering Into the FutureProfiles:About the Authors and ContributorsIndex



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