Project Management Advisor项目管理顾问

出版时间:2004-8  出版社:上海科学技术文献出版社  作者:Pacelli, Lonnie  页数:167  


Running a project? Smell trouble? Get this book.    Here are specific, practical, immediate solutions for all 18 key causes of project failure.    Here’s how to diagnose problems before they get out of control. And fix them.    Here’s how to keep any project on track. And any career.    What to do when you’re...


PrefaceAcknowledgementsScrew-up #1  We weren't addressing the right problem  HOW IT HAPPENS    There's a poorly articulated mission statement    There's an inconsistent understanding of    what the problem is    It's a problem but there are bigger fish to fry  WARNING SIGNS    You are having difficulty getting a sponsor    for your project    The project team is confused about what    problem the project is trying to address    It is difficult to keep the project team focused    on solving the problem  TURNING IT AROUND    Keep your mission statement prominently displayed    Adjust the mission if the problem changes    Put it on hold  TAKE AWAYSScrew-up #2  We Designed the Wrong Thing  HOW IT HAPPENS    The project isn't scoped correctly    The customer is not adequately involved    in the design process    The project team was under pressure to start doing    "real work," such as implementing the design    Something is lost in interpretation between    requirements and design    A bad process is automated to do something    bad faster    There is a poor or non-existent design    change process  WARNING SIGNS    There's no "voice of the customer" on the project    The project team customers can't see beyond    how things are done today    The customers are continually confused as to how    they're going to do their job under the new design    The new design keeps changing late into the project    The customers lose interest in the project and    stop participating  TURNING THINGS AROUND    Right-size customer involvement    Listen to the customer    Slow down or stop the project to ensure that    the design is going to meet business needs    Keep true to your scope  TAKE AWAYSScrew-up #3  We Used the Wrong Technology  HOW IT HAPPENS    The technology is not time tested    ……Screw-up #4 We Didn't Design a Good Project ScheduleScrew-up #5 We Didn't Have the Right SponsorshipScrew-up #6 The Team Didn't GelScrew-up #7 We Didn't Involve the Right PeopleScrew-up #8 We Didn't Communicate What We Were DoingScrew-up #9 We Didn't Pay Attention to Project Risks and Management IssuesScrew-up #10 The Project Cost Much More Than ExpectedScrew-up #11 We Didn't Understand and Report Progress Against the PlanScrew-up #12 We Tried to Do Too MuchScrew-up #13 We Didn't Do Enough TestingScrew-up #14 We Weren't Effective at Training the CustomerScrew-up #15 We Didn't Pull the Plug on the Project When We Should HaveScrew-up #16 We Tripped at the Finish LineScrew-up #17 The Vendor Didn't DeliverScrew-up #18 We Had No Fallback Position in Case the Product FailedWrapping it upIndex



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