出版时间:1970-1 出版社:Oversea Publishing House 作者:本社 编 页数:877
For two/three-semester, sophomore/junior-level courses in Electronic Devices, and Electronic Circuit Analysis. Using a structured, systems approach, this text provides a modern, thorough treatment of electronic devices and circuits. Topical selection is based on the significance of each topic in modern industrial applications and the impact that each topic is likely to have in emerging technologies. Integrated circuit theory is covered extensively, including coverage of analog and digital integrated circuit design, operational amplifier theory and applications, and specialized electronic devices and circuits such as switching regulators and optoelectronics.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1-1 The Study of Electronics 1-2 Brief History of Electronics 1-3 The Use of Computers SPICE and PSpice 1-4 Circuit Analysis and Circuit DesignCHAPTER 2 The pn Junction 2-1 Introduction 2-2 Creating the pnJunction 2-3 Basic Diode Operation 2-4 The Diode Current Equation Breakdown Tempera tu re Effects 2-5 Identifying Forward- and Reverse-Bias Modes 2-6 pnJunction Capacitance 2-7 Circuit Analysis with Electronics Workbench MultisimCHAPTER 3 The Diode as a Circuit Element 3-1 Introduction 3-2 The Diode as a Nonlinear Device 3-3 ac and dc Resistance 3-4 Analysis of dc Circuits Containing Diodes The Load Line 3-5 Elementary Power Supplies Half-Wave and Full-Wave Rectifiers Capacitive Filtering Full Wave Rectification Voltage Multipliers 3-6 Elementary Voltage Regulation The Zener-Diode Voltage Regulator Temperature Effects Zener-Diode Impedance Three-Terminal Integrated-Circuit Regulators 3-7 Diode Types, Ratings, and Specifications Power Supply Component Specifications 3-8 Multisim Exercise Oberving on the Oscilloscope the Filtered Output Voltage and the Diode Current in a Half-Wave RectifierCHAPTER 4 Bipolar Junction Transistors 4-1 Introduction 4-2 Theory of BJT Operation ICBO Reverse Current 4-3 Common-Base Characteristics Common-Base Input Characteristics Common-Base Output Characteristics Breakdown 4-4 Common-Emitter Characteristics ICEo and Beta Common-Emitter Input Characteristics Common-Emitter Output Characteristics 4-5 Common-Collector Characteristics 4-6 Bias Circuits Common-Base Bias Circuit Common-Emitter Bias Circuit Common-Collector Bias Circuit ……CHAPTER 5 Field-Effect TransistorsCHAPTER 6 Amplifier FundamentalsCHAPTER 7 Small-Signal Transistor AmplifiersCHAPTER 8 Ideals Operational Amplifier Circuits and AnalysisCHAPTER 9 Frequency ResponseCHAPTER 10 Operational Amplifier Theory and PerformanceCHAPTER 11 Advanced Operational Amplifier ApplicationsCHAPTER 12 Wave Generation and ShapingCHAPTER 13 Regulated and Switchin g Power SuppliesCHAPTER 14 Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital ConvertersCHAPTER 15 Special Electronic DevicesCHAPTER 16 Power AmplifiersCHAPTER 17 Transistor Analog Circuit Building BlocksCHAPTER 18 Introduction to Digital VLSI DesignAppendix A SPICE and PSpiceAppendix B Standard Values of Resistors and Reading and Selecting CapacitorsAppendix C Frequency Response DerivationsAppendix D Semiconductor TheoryAnswers to Odd-Numbered ExercisesIndex
Electronic Devices and Circuits. 6th ed.电子器件与电路 PDF格式下载