Cloud Dynamics, Volume 53 (平装)

出版时间:1994年03月  出版社:Academic Press  作者:Robert A. Houze Jr.  


"The focus of this book is on the air motions associated with clouds. The complex interaction between the microphysical processes in the clouds and the dynamics is a theme throughout the text. It provides a comprehensive summary of the current understanding of this highly complex field....This book gives a comprehensive summary of the dynamics associated with clouds in the atmosphere....The book reads easily and is well structured. As such, I believe it will be an excellent text for a graduate course on the subject."
"The focus of this book is on the air motions associated with clouds. The complex interaction between the microphysical processes in the clouds and the dynamics is a theme throughout the text. It provides a comprehensive summary of the current understanding of this highly complex field...This book gives a comprehensive summary of the dynamics associated with clouds in the atmosphere...The book reads easily and is well structured. As such, I believe it will be an excellent text for a graduate course on the subject." --AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY

"The focus of this book is on the air motions associated with clouds. The complex interaction between the microphysical processes in the clouds and the dynamics is a theme throughout the text. It provides a comprehensive summary of the current understanding of this highly complex field....This book gives a comprehensive summary of the dynamics associated with clouds in the atmosphere....The book reads easily and is well structured. As such, I believe it will be an excellent text for a graduate course on the subject."




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