Principles of Clinical Pharmacology (精装)

出版时间:2001年08月  出版社:Academic Press  作者:Arthur J. Atkinson Jr.  


"…this book fulfills the long-felt need for an updated publication in Clinical Pharmacology."-INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY (2003)
"…this book is for the reader who wants a detailed in- depth understanding of clinical pharmacology."-E STREAMS (2003) -- Review
"...this book fulfills the long-felt need for an updated publication in Clinical Pharmacology." -- INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 2003
"...this book fulfills the long-felt need for an updated publication in Clinical Pharmacology."-INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY (2003) "...this book is for the reader who wants a detailed in- depth understanding of clinical pharmacology."-E STREAMS (2003)
"...this book is for the reader who wants a detailed in- depth understanding of clinical pharmacology." -- E STREAMS, 2003

"...this book fulfills the long-felt need for an updated publication in Clinical Pharmacology."-INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY (2003)
"...this book is for the reader who wants a detailed in- depth understanding of clinical pharmacology."-E STREAMS (2003)



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