Golf Rules & Etiquette Simplified What You Need to Know to Walk the Links Like a Pro 高尔夫规则

出版时间:2008-3  作者:Companiotte, John  页数:115  


Master the rules of the game with this portable golf pro  Playing by the rules of golf is imperative--but with hundreds of pages to wade through, studying them can feel like clubbing your way through a bunker of quicksand! Stay on course with this handy on-the-go guide.  Written by a veteran golf writer and updated with the latest rule changes, Golf Rules & Etiquette Simplified makes the rules make sense--and gives you insider tips and strategies on using them to your advantage. You'll quickly shave your score when you learn how to:  Avoid unnecessary penalties   Find relief from water hazards   Identify the best line of play   Determine when to declare the ball unplayable   Choose the best drop option   Make the most of abnormal ground conditions   On the golf course, anything can happen. Luckily, you have options. Knowing those options--and how to choose the right ones--will improve your score. With this handy guide in your bag, you'll be prepared for every situation that comes down the fairway.


John Companiotte, longtime member of the Golf Writers Association of America, is the author of two previous books on golf. His articles have appeared in numerous periodicals, including Golf magazine, Avid Golfer, and Air Tran Arrivals magazine. He is a vice president of the Georgia State Golf Association.



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