101 Grman Verbs The Art Of Conjugation 101个德语词汇

出版时间:2008-2  作者:Ryder, Rory  


  Master the six most useful tenses of each verb   Find the verb tense you need through easily understandable charts   See verbs in action in example sentences    Listen to correct pronunciation on the book's free companion site, learnverbs.com


How to Use This BookMeet the CharactersThe Art of ConjugationVerb Tenses and Forms   Priisens (Present)   Plusquamperfekt (Past Perfect)   Priiteritum (Simple Past)   Futur (Future)    Konditional (Present Conditional)   Perfekt (Present Perfect)   Imperativ (Command)   Partizip Priisens (Present Participle)   Infinitiv (Infinitive)Separable VerbsReflexive Verbs101 German Verb ConjugationsGerman Verb IndexEnglish Verb Index



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