出版时间:2007-10  出版社:McGraw-Hill  作者:Chandler, Genevieve, Elizabeth  页数:207  


If getting into the right nursing school-and making your mark-is your goal, following the strategies in The Ultimate Guide to Getting into Nursing School will definitely put you ahead of the pack. This fun, information-packed guide covers all the essentials of the nursing school experience, from picking the right school to what to expect and how to rise to the head of the class once you are accepted into a program.  Features:  Insider advice and anecdotes from professors, nurses, and students who tell you what it's really like to go through the application process and succeed in nursing school   Sure-fire steps for turning a nursing application into a winning application   Self-assessment chapter that helps you determine whether nursing is right for you A detailed overview of the application process   Everything you need to know to do well in school, including exam preparation, papers, and presentations, and the basic clinical information with which you'll need to be familiar   Advice from students, nurses, and professors on how to smoothly adjust to the culture and expectations of being a nurse   Chapter on post-nursing-school options, including acquiring an advanced degree, obtaining certification, and becoming a manager


How to Use This Book  Foreword  Preface  Acknowledgments  CHAPTER 1 The Inside Story of Nursing Is Nursing the Career for You? The Inside Story   A Rich, Proud History   The Domains of Nursing   Conclusion   End-of-Chapter Exercise  CHAPTER 2 How Do I Get There from Here?  Nursing as a Career   Nursing Programs   Conclusion   End-of-Chapter Exercise  CHAPTER 3 Self-Assessment Preparing to Apply to School PersonalInventory   Be Organized   Create Relationships   Be Curious   Be Assertive   Conclusion   End-of-Chapter Exercise: Letter of Recommendation  CHAPTER 4 On the Right Track  Applications, Essays, and Interviews The Essay    Letters of Recommendation    The Campus Visit    The Interview    Finally, What to Wear to the Interview    Last, But Not Least, What if?  Conclusion    End-of-ChapterExercise  CHAPTER 5 You're In!  How to Be Successful Once You Get There?  What IWish Someone Told Me ...   School and Family: Juggle or Balance?    Nontraditional Students in a Traditional Program    Mentoring: Good for Both Parties    Conclusion    End-of-Chapter Exercise: Been There, Done That  CHAPTER 6 Moving On!  The Transition from Student to Nurse  The New Nurse    National Counsel Licensing Exam: NCLEX    Review Courses    Pass, No Pass    Job Search    Career Services    Preparing a R&um6    Cover Letters    Interview    Dress Rehearsal    A Solid Support Network    A Substantial Orientation  ……CHAPTER 7 Going BackAPPENDIX A A Sample of Assinment Required in an Introductory Nursing CourseAPPENDIX B NCLEX Preparation ResourcesAPPENDIX C Web Sites with Information for Students Attending and AD (Two-Year) Degree or a BS (Four-Year) DegreeIndex




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