出版时间:2008-1  出版社:0-07  作者:Philip Kotler  页数:192  


Think ASEAN! explores how companies should think of ASEAN as one borderless market that requires different marketing strategies to capture. It offers fresh perspectives to marketers all over the region on the upcoming trends of regionalization that can cause significant changes in future marketing activities. It argues that ASEAN marketers should not only be concerned about their local or global but also their regional marketing activities. The book contains three parts. Part I describes the landscape of ASEAN and explains clearly why ASEAN marketing is needed. Parts II and III discuss companies that have been very successful in implementing ASEAN Marketing. Part II looks at short cases of companies to explore their core marketing strategies; these companies include Bengawan Solo (Singapore), Dji Sam Soe (Indonesia), Goldilocks (the Philippines), Royal Selangor (Malaysia), Black Canyon (Thailand) and Number One Tonic Drink (Vietnam). Part III contains more comprehensive cases of selected companies including AirAsia and Yamaha.


Foreword IForeword IIPrefaceAcknowledgmentsExecutive Summary: Forget the World, Think ASEAN,Act LocalPart I ASEAN from the Top  Chapter1  Digital Technology in ASEAN Chapter2  Impact of Globalization on ASEAN Chapter3  The Future Market of ASEAN Chapter4  Compete for ASEAN CustomersPart II Lessons from ASEAN Marketing Companies Chapter 5  Watch out for the Local Champions   Bengawan Solo    Dji Sam Soe    Goldilocks    MBF Cards    Bangkok Hospital    Number One Tonic Drink in Vietnam Chapter 6  Learn from the Locals Going ASEA}q    Extra Joss    Royal Selangor    San Miguel    Eu Yan Sang    Black Canyon Chapter 7 Be Inspired by Mu'itinationals Focusing on ASEAN    3M    Kinokuniya    SamsungPart III   ASEAN Marketing in Practice Chapter 8  ASEAN Vision, Local Action    Air Asia    BreadTalk    Kijang Chapter 9  Global Value, ASEAN Strategy, Local Tactic    Hewlett-Packard    YamahaIndex




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