出版时间:2002-11  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Raymond A. Noe 著  页数:740  


This text aims to give the student technical background neecessary to be consumers of human resource (HR) products and services, to manage HR effectively, or to be a successful HR professional. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


1 Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive AdvantagePart 1 The Human Resource Environment  2 Strategic Human Resource Management 3 The Legal Environment: Equal Employment Opportunity and Safety  4 The Analysis and Design of Work  VIDEO CASE Southwest Airlines Competes by Putting People FirstPart 2 Acquisition and Preparation of Human Resources  5 Human Resource Planning and Recruitment  6 Selection and Placement  7 Training VIDEO CASE Creative Staffing Solutions Pairs Workers with EmployersPart 3 Assessment and Development of HRM  8 Performance Management  9 Employee Development10 Employee Separation and  Retention  VIDEO CASE Developing a Diverse WorkforcePart 4 Compensation of Human Resources 11 Pay Structure Decisions 12 Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay 13 Employee Benefits VIDEO CASE Compensating Workers through Pay and BenefitsPart 5 Special Topics in Human Resource Management 14 Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations 15 Managing Human Resources Globally 16 Strategically Managing the HRM Function  VIDEO CASE Workplace Ergonomics Is  Good Business   Glossary     Photo Credits      Name and Company Index     Subject Index……




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