Corporate Information Strategy And Manegement. 6th ed.公司咨讯策略与管理

出版时间:2002-8  出版社:Irwin/McGraw-Hill  作者:Lynda M. Applegate  页数:726  


Corporate Information Strategy and Management: Text and Cases 6/e by Applegate, Austin and McFarlan is written for students and managers who desire an overview of contemporary information systems technology (IT) management. It explains the relevant issues of effective management of information services activities and highlights the areas of greatest potential application of the technology. No assumptions are made concerning the reader’s experience with IT, but it is assumed that the reader has some course work or work experience in administration or management. This text is comprised of an extensive collection of Harvard Business cases devoted to Information Technology.


Introduction: Challenges of Managing in a Network Economy  Theme 1: Market Structure and Industry Dynamics  Theme 2: Evolving Business Models  Theme 3: IT Impact  Theme 4: Prioritizing IT Investments  Theme 5: Assimilation and Organizational Learning     Phase 1. Opportunity Identification and Investment     Phase 2. Organizational Learning and  Adaptation  Theme 6: Buy versus Make  Theme 7: Partnership among Key Constituencies as IT Evolves  Theme 8: Protecting IT Assets and Managing Risks  Theme 9: Pervasive Computing: Opportunities andRisks Summary  Appendix A Analyzing the Strategic Impact of IT    Support    Turnaround    Factory    Strategic    Case I-l:A Tale of Two Airlines in the Network Age: Or Why the Spirit of King George Is Alive and Well!  MODULE ONE BUILDING THE NETWORK ECONOMY: MARKETS AND MODELS    Chapter 1 Creating Business Advantage with IT      Forces That Shape Business Strategy       Value Chain Analysis       Industry and Competitive Analysis       Strategic Grid Analysis      Analyzing the Impact of IT on Strategic Decision Making       Can IT Be Used to Reengineer Core Value Activities and Change the Basis of Competition?       Can IT Change the Nature of Relationships and the Balance of Power among Buyers and Suppliers?       Can IT Build or Reduce Barriers to Entry?       Can IT Increase or Decrease Switching Costs?       Can ITAdd Value to Existing Products and Services or Create New Ones?      Summary    Chapter 2 Crafting Business Models      Business Models: Something Old and Something New      Classifying Business Models      Businesses Built on a Networked Infrastructure        Focused Distributors        Portals        Producers      Businesses That Provide Networked    Infrastructure        Infrastructure Distributors        Infrastructure Portals        Infrastructure Producers        Infrastructure Service Providers      Evolving Business Models        Evolving the American Express Interactive Business Model        Evolving the Business Model      Summary    Appendix   Business Model Revenue, Cost, and Asset Options  ……MODULE 2 BUILDING THE NETWORK ECONOMY:CAPABILITIES AND ORGANIZAIONMODULE 3 MANAGING NETWORKED INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPERATIONSMODULE 4 MANAGING AND LEADING A NETWORKED IT ORGANIZATIONAnnotated Bibliography



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