出版时间:2001-8 出版社:Oversea Publishing House 作者:Benjamin B. Lahey 著 页数:482
Lahey has built a superior reputation of student success through a sound pedagogical system. A highly respected researcher, Lahey applies learning theory to his text and the result is a system that leads to student learning. Want proof? Open any chapter and you'll see each begins with an advanced organizer that tells the student what the chapter is about and gives him or her a "cognitive structure" on which to hang new information. Each main section is followed by a review to reinforce the cognitive structure, a self quiz to check the learning of facts and critical thinking questions to encourage deep processing. Each of the subsequent sections are tied together in a similar fashion and the chapter is summarized in a hierarchical outline at the chapter conclusion. In short, he tells them what he is going to tell them, then he tells them, then he tells them what he told them. This edition marks the introduction of visual reviews, increased technology utilization, and a new section on study skills. All of this adds up to a text that presents psychology in a way that instructors can trust and that students can learn. "This Essentials" edition was created for instructors who prefer a more concise text with a soft cover and is based on Lahey's successful "Psychology: An Introduction, 7th edition". The content differences between the two books are as follows: the chapters on Research Methods, Gender and Sexuality, and Psychology Applied to Business have been deleted from this edition. 作者简介: Benjamin B. Lahey received his undergraduate training from Davidson College and his Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Tennessee. He has taught at both community college and university levels, including the University of Georgia and the University of Miami, before joining the faculty at the University of Chicago. Ben is an award-winning teacher and a frequent speaker at the Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. He is also an active researcher on the behavioral and emotional problems of children; his research has been supported by the National Institute of Mental Health for many years. Ben was a representative of the field of psychology on the DSM-IV Child Disorders Work Group and a member of the US liaison group for the mental health section of the International Classification of Diseases. He was also the editor, with Alan E. Kazdin, of the first fourteen volumes in the annual series, Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, published by Plenum Press.
Preface xvj i To the Instructor xxTo the Student xxii1 WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? Prologue 3 PSYCHE AND SCIENCE=PSYCHoLoGY Definition of Psychology Goals of Psychology THE MANY VIEWPoINTS IN PSYCHoLoGY AND THEIR oRIGINS Nature of Conscious Experience Wundt,Titc、hener,and the Structuralist J.HenryAlston Max Wertheimer and the Gestalt Psychologists Functions of the Conscious Mind wiIliam James and the Functionalists Behaviorism and Social Learning Theory Ivan Pavlov John B.Watson and Margaret Floy Washburn Contemporao,Behaviorism nd Social Learning Theory The Nature of the“Unconscious Mind” Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis Humanistic Psychology and the Unconscious Mind CONTEMPoRARY PERSPECTIVES IN PSYCHoLoGY Neuroscience Perspective Sociocultural Perspective HUman Diversity:Different Yet the Same SPECIALTY AREAS OF MoDERN PSYCHoLoGY Basic Areas of Modern Psychology Applied Areas of Modern Psychology Relationship Between Psychology and Psychiatry SCIENTIFIC METHODS:HOW WE LEARN ABoUT BEHAVIoR AND MENTAL PRoCESSES Descriptive Methods Survey Method Naturalistic Observation Clinical Method Correlational Method Formal Experiments Ethical Principles of Research Ethk’S of Researeh with Human Participants Ethics of Reseamh with Animal Subjects Summary Resottrces 2 BIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF BEHAVIOR Prologue NERVoUS SYSTEM:BIOLoGICAL CONTROl CENTER Neurons:The Units of the Nervous System Parts of Neurons Neural Trnnsmission Synaptic Transmission DIVISIONS OF THE NERVoUS SYSTEM Divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIoNS oF THE BRAlN Images of the Brain at Work Hindbrain and Midbrain:Housekeeping Chores and Reflexes Forebrain:Cognition,Motivation,Emotion, and Action Thalamus,Hypothalamus and Limbie System Cerebral Cortex Sensory Cognitive.and Motor Functions Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex Hemi spheres of the Cerebral Cortex “Split Brains” Hemispheres of the Cerebral Cortex and Emotion ENDOCRINE SYSTEM:CHEMlCAL MESSENGERS oF THE BoDY Pituitary Gland Adrenal Glands Islets of Langerhans 3 SENSATION AND PERCEPTION4 STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS5 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING6 MEMORY 7 COGNITION,LANGUAGE,AND INGELLIGENCE8 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY9 MOTIVATION AND EMOTION10 GENDER 11 PERSONALITY THEORIES AND ASSESSMENT12 STRESS ADN HEALTH 13 ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR14 THERAPIES15 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGYGLOSSARYAPPENDIX REFERENCES CREDITS INDEX
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