出版时间:2001-7 出版社:Oversea Publishing House 作者:Robert Feldman 著 页数:559
This is a broad, comprehensive introduction to the field of psychology known for the clarity of its presentation and its ability to excite students about the discipline. The mission of this extensively revised new edition is to foster student empowerment by giving students the tools they need to master the content of psychology, to think critically about student phenomenon, and to build an appreciation of how psychology can increase their understanding of the world around them. A key aspect of the revision is the incorporation of Robert Feldman's P.O.W.E.R. Learning system into the book and ancillary package. Based on empirical research carried out by learning researchers, the P.O.W.E.R. framework is a systematic approach to learning and studying, with five key steps (Prepare, Organize, Work, Evaluate and Rethink), that aids the acquisition and retention of new material. The text has been thoroughly revised to incorporate pertinent new examples and explanations. Specific attention to advances in behavioural genetics and evolutionary approaches to psychology have been added. A completely new art programme enlivens the text and clarifies key material throughout the text, especially in the biological sections. Every chapter includes two web exercises as well as a feature that alerts students to pertinent material on the text's online learning centre.
Chapter One Introduction to PsychologyChapter TWO Psychological ResearchChapter Three The Biology Underlying BehaviorChapter Four Sensation and PerceptionChapter Five States of COTlsdOusl,1essChapter six LearningChapter Seven MemoryChapter Eight Thought and LanguageChapter Nine IntelligenceChapter Ten Motivation and EmotionChapter Eleven Sexuality and GenderChapter Twelve Development:The Beginnings 0f Life Chapter Thirteen Development:Adolescence to the End Of LifeChapter Fourteen PersonalityChapter Fifteen Health PsycholGgy:Stress,Coping,and Well-BeingChapter Sixteen Psychological DisordersChapter Seventeen Treatment of Psychological DisordersChapter Eighteen Social Psych ol ogyAppendix G oing by the Numbers:Statistics in PsychologyGlossaryReferencesAcknowledgmentsName IndexSubiect Index
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