Jacob Have I Loved (rack) (平装)

出版时间:1990年02月  出版社:HarperTeen  作者:Katherine Paterson  


Katherine Paterson is one of the world's most renowned children's book authors. Ms. Paterson has received the National Book Award twice and has won the Newbery Medal for both Bridge to Terabithia and Jacob Have I Loved. She is also the author of two other I Can Read Books featuring  Marvin, The Smallest Cow in the World  and  Marvin's Best Christmas Present Ever. Ms. Paterson lives in Barre, Vermont.


"With wry humor, Sara Louise recalls her turbulent adolescence on Rass Island and her intense jealousy of her twin sister.  Strength of characterization and memorable external and internal action mark this superbly crafted novel about a quest for self-knowledge."   -- 1991 Newberry Committe, ALA


Review  "A novel of special brilliance." -- -- New York Times Book Review"Simply irresistible."  -- -- Publishers Weekly    



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