1963 变革之年

出版时间:2013-11-19  出版社:It Books  作者:Robin Morgan,Ariel Leve  


1963: The Year of the Revolution records, documentary-style, the incredible roller-coaster ride of those twelve months, told through the recollections of some of the period’s most influential figures.
The compilers of this oral history date the youthquake (Diana Vreeland’s coinage) that defined the era from the nearly simultaneous debut appearances on British television on January 13, 1963, of the Beatles and Bob Dylan. With the emphasis distinctly on events in the UK, the authors have culled quotes from musicians (Keith Richards and Eric Clapton, among others), music agents and promoters, and fashion pioneers Vidal Sassoon and Mary Quant to delineate how the postwar generation broke from tradition and set a new style.
An extraordinary year, a great cast of characters, a terrific book. (Sir Alan Parker - Director of Pink Floyd The Wall,Midnight Express )
...a must read for anyone interested in how pop culture, and particularly pop music, was both representative of the age and a catalyst for change. (Victoria Broackes, Head of Performance Exhibitions, V&A Museum London)


Ariel Leve is an award-winning journalist who has written for publications including the Guardian, FT Magazine, Telegraph, Observer and the Sunday Times Magazine where she was a senior writer on contract from 2003-2011. Her first book, It Could Be Worse, You Could Be Me was a collection of her popular Cassandra column which ran weekly in the Sunday Times Magazine for five years. She was shortlisted twice for Interviewer of the Year at the British Press Awards and Highly Commended in 2010.  Robin Morgan is an award winning British journalist and editor who was the longest serving editor-in-chief of The London Sunday Times Magazine (1991-2009). He has worked as a news editor, foreign correspondent and investigative journalist (1979-1991) covering such events as the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Irangate, and The Gulf War and was awarded British Campaigning Journalist Of The Year honours in both 1982 and 1983. His editorship of the magazine accumulated six national journalism awards including the acclaimed OneWorld Award for an innovative campaign to eradicate preventible blindness in the third world which saved the sight of more than 1.7million women and children in 17 countries.  He has written extensively on subjects ranging from crime and conflict to international affairs and has published nine books including photo-biographies of Frank Sinatra, Elton John and James Bond. He lives in London where he now divides his time between managing the photographic and multi-media creative agency, Iconic Images and writing.



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