
出版时间:2005-10  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  作者:Harpercollins Publishers Ltd.  页数:256  


This full color highly illustrated and engaging guide presents a world of possibility in your pocket.   Comprehensive and completely up-to-date, this compact volume explains the origins, history and symbolism of the flags of over 200 countries. Containing fascinating facts as to why certain colors and images are used to reflect a country, this book is organized by geographic region to show inter-relation of the flags of neighboring countries, includes full-color illustrations of national and sub-national flags and a glossary of flag terminology.


Introduction  The History of Flags  The Shapes of Flags  The Symbolism of Flags  Official and Unofficial Flags  The Uses of Flags  Ensigns  The Parts of a FlagGlossaryHow to Use this BookThe FlagsMap of the WorldList of Flags



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