Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45 (精装)

出版时间:2007年10月  出版社:HarperPress (2007年10月1日)  作者:Sir Max Hastings  


'A master of...detail...Such a readable historian.'   

'Nemesis is a triumph.'

'A delight to read...Nemesis is an engrossing book.'

'Hastings's talent lies in his account of the terrible human experience.'

'Nemesis is Max Hastings's best book...informed, lively, thorough.'

'Spectacular...Hastings makes important points about the war in the East that have been all too rarely heard...excellent...compelling...searingly powerful.'

'Highly readable...absorbing...excellent...admirably balanced...the author's attitude...refreshingly modern and sensitive.'

'A delight to read...absorbing...engrossing.'

'Hastings lays out the campaigns with admirable clarity...this is magisterial history.'

'Remarkably impressive.'



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