柯林斯数学词典Collins Maths Dictionary

出版时间:2005-7  出版社:Collins Educational  作者:Kay Gardner  页数:191  


Collins Maths Dictionary is a clear prqctical dictionary which can help you understand the meanings of over 375 Maths words.    Find it fast Colour headwords, an A-Z on every page and a full index make it easy to find the right Maths word;     Get it right Clear accessible explanations increase your understanding;    Feel confident lllustrations and diagrams give extra clarity and information;     Do more Extra material include help yourself activities and tests for even more support.


a.m.(am)abacusacute angleadd additionadjacentadjust adjustmentaltogetheramountanalogue clockanglesanti-clockwiseapexapparatusapproximateapproximatelyapproximationarc areaarrangearrayascendascending orderaverageaxis axesbar chartbar line chartbasebillsbisectblock graphbreadthBritish Summer Time(BST)calculatecalculationcalculatorcalendarcancel cancellingcapacigyCarroll diagramsCelsius centigradecenticentilitrecentimetrecenturychangecirclecircularcircumference……



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  •   这本书正适合小学中高年级的孩子看,内容比较丰富,对于孩子们在数学方面的英语词汇是很好的补充。孩子挺喜欢看的。
  •   宝宝自己无法阅读,因此不感兴趣。但作为数学方面的参考书,有购买价值。

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