Cat&Dog Play Hide and Seek猫狗捉迷藏

出版时间:1970-1  作者:Rayner, Shoo 绘  


Shoo Rayner's comic duo play hide and seek, with hilarious consequences, in this lively story with a predictable structure and patterned language. Where is Cat? Dog is looking in all the wrong places: under the table, behind the chair. Finally, Cat's whereabouts become apparent when Dog switches on the light.  / Red A/Band 2A books offer predictable text with familiar objects and actions, combined with simple story development.  / Text type - A story with a predictable structure and patterned language.  / A story map on pages 14 and 15 illustrates an aerial view of the route that Dog takes.  / A wordless text featuring Cat and Dog is also available.



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